The elements of style and Vogue magazines along with colour swatches and a phone

The Style Starter Package

Price: $500 CAD ( Located Queen & Coxwell, Toronto, ON)

Looking to Gain Style Clarity?

This entry-level package is perfect for mastering the art of style and empowering yourself with valuable knowledge.

What's Included

Appointments take place in the east end of Toronto ( Queen and Coxwell) Exact address is give at time of purchase.

Colour Analysis

Discover the best personal colours to make your complexion glow and eyes sparkle

Body Shape Analysis

Learn to dress for your unique body proportions and feel your most confident.

Personal Style Clarity

Complete an inspiring questionnaire to reflect on your personal style and how you want to present yourself.

Lifestyle Assessment

Understand how you spend your time and how your wardrobe can best support your lifestyle.

Style Inspiration Board

Receive a personal style inspiration board along with defining style key words that represent your ideal style. Along with store suggestions based on your personal style & budget.

Personalized Style Guide

Get all your style results in a beautifully designed guide, laid out like your very own personal magazine.

One-on-One Consultation

Enjoy a personal call to review your results and answer any questions you might have.

ADD ON a personal shopping shopping session to help take your style to the next level.