Why have your colours analyzed?
Think about walking into a store to buy a new sweater, the racks and tables are a sea of colour, but you are able to zone in and narrow down your options because you know what colours really make you shine! That is the power of having your colours analyzed and knowing what your best colours are.
Colour Analysis has become a hot topic lately, within apps like TikTok, people are trying to figure out what their best colour palettes are, with the use of a filter.
Seasonal Colour Analysis has actually been around for a very long time, with it first becoming quite popular in the 1980s with a book called Colour Me Beautiful. The colour analysis system at the time placed people into one of 4 colour seasons ( Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter) and based on these findings would suggest their ideal colour palette.
Since then, Colour Analysis has evolved and there is now up to 16 colour palettes/ seasons in which one could fall into. The problem with these apps is that finding your best colours is not as simple as it sounds, and really does require some general knowledge about colour theory and a very trained eye. Ideally, it’s the type of service in which you would want to work with a trained and certified colour analyst.
So what is the benefit of knowing your colours?
To know your best colours is to know a little more about yourself, your style and what makes you look best. Most clients after learning what their colour palette is, will feel a feeling of connection with their palette, like things suddenly make more sense. The right colours will make your skin appear healthier, your eyes pop and your hair appear shinier! Not to mention making shopping so much easier when you are able to focus on your best colours, it also helps with choosing your ideal hair and makeup colours. Knowledge is Power!
Samantha is a True Spring, and seen here with some of her True Spring colours.
What does the process involve?
When you have your colours analyzed professionally, in natural lighting, the analyst will cover your hair ( unless it’s your natural colour) and clothing in a white cape. You can not be wearing any makeup for the service to be completed properly. They will have a look at your natural hair colour, eye colour and pattern as well as your complexion. They may also ask you about your natural colouring as a child and adolescent. Then the first step would be to determine whether you have a warm or cool undertone. The next step is to compare seasons; If you are cool, they would compare the 2 cool seasons and the same if you are warm. Once your home season is determined the final step is to compare the 4 palettes within that season to find the very best palette that absolutely makes you light up. If you are having this service completed in person, often you can see yourself the difference between colours that are in harmony with you and the ones that are not, and the affects they have on your complexion.
Can I try to do this myself?
You can absolutely attempt to do your own colour analysis. Remember that you can’t be wearing any makeup and you must hide your coloured hair and wear white…so that the attention is solely on your natural colouring. You also may want to learn about the theory involved in colour analysis so you can eliminate palettes based on theory alone ( for example a natural blonde could never be a Winter season). The truth is, it is very difficult to analyze yourself because we just don’t tend to see ourselves clearly, and that outside perspective is very helpful.
Does my palette change if I change my hair colour?
No, your personal colour palette will always remain the same because it is based on your own natural colouring. Depending on the colour you put in your hair it will either be in harmony with or against your natural colouring. When you colour your hair a shade that is not in harmony with your palette, you will feel the need to wear more makeup to compensate, where as a hair colour that is in harmony will make your natural complexion glow and your eye colour pop.
On the left, Cameron’s hair colour is in harmony with her natural colouring and makes her shine. On the right, her complexion looks drained and without that makeup would look tired and washed out. The colours are wearing her.
What if I just like to wear Black ( or other neutrals)?
Well you will be happy to know that each palette has a range of neutrals within it, so it is very easy to build a wearable wardrobe. I also personally believe if a colour like Black for example brings you Joy ( even if it’s not within your palette), then continue to wear it…but be open to maybe wearing it a little less and easing into some of the other options in your palette. Sometimes we also have to question why we love a colour that is not within our palette so much. Often people default to Black as a way of making themselves disappear or appear smaller, and if this is the case….It is time to break up and open yourself to new colours that make you shine!
Have you had your colours done? If so, what was your experience? and if you haven’t what are you waiting for? Book a Colour Analysis session with me!